Git tags


If you are using git-gui to manage your Git repositories, you may be perplexed that you can’t find support for tags anywhere. If that’s you, then you might also be overjoyed to learn that tagging support is actually part of gitk, git-gui‘s sister app.

To create a tag, open the repository and branch you want in gitk. An easy way to do this is to use git-gui‘s Repository > Browse xxx’s Files menu items. Then in gitk, right click on the commit you wish to tag (on the actual text, not any labels) and select the Create tag from the context menu.

Once you get that sorted, you might next be perplexed that when you push your repository to the remote origin, tags don’t go along for the ride. That’s because, “By default, the git push command doesn’t transfer tags to remote servers.”

You can remedy this with some command-line foo. I have used the shell command:

$ git push origin --tags

to push all tags in a local repository to the remote.

Android VM Manager

I just released a tiny Qt widgets-based app that makes it more convenient to connect an Android virtual machine to your development environment. Here’s a quick (but possibly not quick enough) demo of configuring it to work with AndroVM and the Eclipse-based ADT Bundle:

I’ve successfully used it with Android-x86 as well. I gotta say that doing development with either of these VMs is much faster and more rewarding than using the emulator that ships with the ADT.

The code is available on my Bitbucket at and is licensed under the GPLv3.

Changing Processing’s Look and Feel


The Java Look and Feel that Processing uses by default on Linux can get a bit wonky. Depending on the GTK theme you are using, menubars can actually become unusable!

Where’s the menu?

You can change the Look and Feel to something that works by editing the file:


Be sure that Processing is not running when you do this. To use the standard Swing Metal Look and Feel, change the lines that read:


Metalized menubar

Metal may not be pretty, but it seems to be pretty robust!

Note that because Processing uses its own JRE, it will ignore LnF and other settings you may have configured for your default JRE.