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Wiring up signals and slots

FIXME: confirm for accuracy.

Signals and slots are used in Qt to process events. If you use Qt Creator for development, there are at least four different ways to make signal→slot connections. If you use Qt Designer with some other IDE for development, there are at least three. If you are hand-coding everything, then there are two.

Create an "event handler"

Availability: Qt Creator

Users of Visual Studio, Delphi, and Lazarus will be most familiar with this approach. In Qt Creator, right click on a control and select Go to slot …. A dialog box giving you a list of signals available for the control will appear; select the signal for which you wish to create a handler. If the handler doesn't already exist, Qt Creator will create it and take you to it. If it does, then Qt Creator will just take you to it.

A handler you make this way for a button_quit widget might look like:

void MainWindow::on_button_quit_clicked()

The handlers you create this way are actually a private slots. You can confirm this by looking at the header file for the class you are editing:

private slots:
    void on_button_quit_clicked();

Behind the scenes

How does the build system know that that button_quit's clicked() signal connects to MainWindow's on_button_quit_event_clicked() slot? It appears that the connection between signals and slots created this way is done purely via a naming convention along the following lines: <widget-name> <signal>() automatically connects to any slot of the form <ClassName>::on_<widget-name>_<signal>().

Do it in the UI builder visually

Availability: Qt Creator, Qt Designer

This is the drag-and-drop-gosh-golly way of making connections that at first might seem more cute than useful but actually turns out to be more useful that you might have first thought.

In Qt Creator or Qt Designer, open the Edit Signal/Slots mode. In either app, this is done by any of the following:

  • menu bar: Edit→Edit Signal/Slots
  • function key: F4
  • toolbar icon: (figure it out from the menu icon)

In this mode, you will notice that when you roll over widgets, they turn red and get a thick border. This tells you they are providers of signals. To make a signal/slot connection

  1. Roll over the widget that will provide the signal.
  2. Click and drag to the widget whose slot you want to connect to.
  3. Release the mouse button.
  4. From the dialog that appears, select the desired signal from the left column and the desired slot from the right and click OK.

If you don't see a slot that you expect, try clicking on the “Show slots inherited from …” checkbox. IMHO, this should be checked by default, but isn't.

When you set signal/slot connections this way, you will see arrows connecting widgets indicating signal/slot relationships.

Special cases

There are a couple special cases that are worth mentioning.

Connecting to the window

If you want to connect a signal to the slot of a window, just drag onto the window rather than onto another widget. You will know you are connecting to the main window because the slot end of the connector will turn into an electrical earth ground symbol rather than an arrow.

Connecting a widget to itself

You can also connect widgets to themselves. If you do this, you can set up all sorts of hilarity. Sometimes you can even do useful things.

Editing signals and slots

You can edit existing signal/slot connections made in Edit Signal/Slots mode by using the Signal/Slot Editor that appears at the bottom of the screen in Qt Creator and the left bottom on Qt Designer. Each column of the editor is actually a drop-down list that you need to double click on to delete.

You can add new relationships and delete existing ones using the + and icons. The icon seems a bit temperamental, so if it isn't activated for you, try clicking on various bits on your form until it activates. (And if you figure out what the logic that going on here is, please let me know.)

Behind the scenes

Do it in the FIXME

Availability: any project

Do it in the constructor

Availability: any project

qt/wiring_up_signals_and_slots.1301573194.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/03/31 12:06 by mithat

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