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Data and Expressions

Mithat Konar
based on Dierbach's Introduction to Computer Science using Python.


  • Literals
  • Variables and identifiers
  • Operators
  • Expressions
  • Data types


What is a literal?

  • literal: a sequence of one or more characters that stands for itself.
  • numeric literal: contains only the digits 0–9, a sign character (1 or 2) and a optional decimal point.
    • integer versus floating point value
    • e for scientific notation
    • 3, -42, +98.6, 6.033e23

Number ranges

  • Floating point values have limited range and precision.
  • IEEE 754: ±10-308 to ±10308 with 16 to 17 digits of precision.
  • arithmetic overflow: results when operation causes number to be “too big”.
>>> 1.5e200 * 2.0e210
  • arithmetic underflow: results when operation causes number to be “too small”.
>>> 1.0e-300 / 1.0e100

Floating point numbers are an approximation

  • Limited precision means actual values are approximations.
>>> 6 * 1/10
>>> 6 * (1/10)

Formatting output

  • format() produces a string version of a value with a specific number of decimal places.
  • format specifier says how many places and format.
>>> 12/5
>>> format(12/5, '.2f')      # 2 places, floating point
>>> format(2 ** 100, '.6e')  # 6 places, scientific notation
'1.267651e 1 30'
>>> format(13402.25, ',.2f') # optional comma

String literals

  • Use either single-quote or double-quote.
greeting = 'Hi there'
"Vernacular nepotism is fractious."
  • Clever use:
msg = 'She said, "Yellow."'
msg = "She's making a radio."

Character codes

  • Characters need to be encoded as (binary) numbers.
  • Python uses UTF-8 by default.
  • ord() translates a single character into its UTF-8 code.
  • chr() converts a UTF-8 code into a character.
>>> ord('1')
>>> ord('2')
>>> ord('a')
>>> ord('A')

Control characters

  • control characters: non-printing characters used to control display of output.
  • Represented with escape sequences (backslash in Python).
  • Most popular escape sequence is the newline control: '\n'.
>>> print('Eat\nMore\nElderberries')

String formatting

  • Format strings with format( value, format_specifier )
format('Hello', '<16')  # left aligned field 16 characters wide
'Hello           '
format('Hello', '>16')  # right aligned field 16 characters wide
'           Hello'
format('Hello', '.>16') # fill with '.'

Implicit Line Joining

  • What to do with long lines in source code?
  • implicit joining: you can break the line at some points without messing up logic or syntax.
print('Name:', student_name, 'Address:', student_address,
      'Number of Credits:', total_credits, 'GPA:', current_gpa)
  • Doesn’t work to break up a string.

Explicit Line Joining

  • explicit joining (backslash) can be used in some situations where implicit joining won’t.
num_seconds = num_hours * 60 * 60 + \
              num_minutes * 60 
  • Also doesn’t work to break up strings.

Silly encoding example

# This program displays the Unicode encoding for 'Hello World!
# program greeting
print('The Unicode encoding for "Hello World!" is:')
# output results
print(ord('H'), ord('e'), ord('l'), ord('l'), ord('o'), ord(' '),
      ord('W'), ord('o'), ord('r'), ord('l'), ord('d'), ord('!'))

Variables and Identifiers

What is a variable?

  • variable: a name associated with a value.
num -->|   10   |


  • assignment: take the value resulting from the expression on the right and copy it into the variable on the left.
  • assignment operator: = in Python.
    • = is not “equals”!
foo = 7
num = 1 + foo
foo = foo + 1

Variable reassignment

num = 10    #        +--------+
k = num     # num -->|   10   |
            #   k -->|        | 
            #        +--------+
k = 20      #        +--------+
            # num -->|   10   |
            #        +--------+
            #        +--------+
            #   k -->|   20   |
            #        +--------+


  • Use id() to see if two variables are pointing to the same thing.
>>> num = 10
k = num
>>> id(num)
??? # some number
>>> id(k)
??? # same number as above
k = 20
>>> id(num)
??? # same as before
>>> id(k)
??? # different

What is an identifier?

  • identifier: a sequence of one or more characters used to provide a name for a given program element.
  • identifier: names of things.
  • Rules of the name:
    • letters, digits, and the underscore character only (no spaces)
    • can’t start with a digit
    • don’t use underscore for the first character for now
    • can be as long as you want

Keywords and help

  • keyword an identifier that has predefined meaning in a programming language.
  • You can’t use a keyword as your own identifier in Python.
  • Get a list of keywords:
>>> help()
help> keywords
# table of keywords appears
help> quit
  • Things you think should be keywords are not!
  • Check “special” words using 'testword' in dir(__builtins__)

Example: Restaurant Tab Calculation

# Restaurant Tab Calculation Program
# This program will calculate a restaurant tab with a gift certificate
# initialization
tax = 0.08
# program greeting
print('This program will calculate a restaurant tab for a couple with')
print('a gift certificate, with a restaurant tax of', tax * 100, '%\n')
# get amount of gift certificate
amt_certificate = float(input('Enter amount of the gift certificate: '))
# cost of ordered items
print('Enter ordered items for person 1')
appetizer_per1 = float(input('Appetizier: '))
entree_per1 = float(input('Entree: '))
drinks_per1 = float(input('Drinks: '))
dessert_per1 = float(input('Dessert: '))
print('\nEnter ordered items for person 2')
appetizer_per2 = float(input('Appetizier: '))
entree_per2 = float(input('Entree: '))
drinks_per2 = float(input('Drinks: '))
dessert_per2 = float(input('Dessert: '))
# total items
amt_person1 = appetizer_per1 + entree_per1 + drinks_per1 + dessert_per1
amt_person2 = appetizer_per2 + entree_per2 + drinks_per2 + dessert_per2
# compute tab with tax
items_cost = amt_person1 + amt_person2
tab = items_cost + items_cost * tax
# display amount owe
print('\nOrdered items: $', format(items_cost, '.2f'))
print('Restaurant tax: $', format(items_cost * tax, '.2f'))
print('Tab: $', format(tab - amt_certificate, '.2f'))
print('(negative amount indicates unused amount of gift certificate)')


What Is an Operator?

operator: a symbol that represents an operation that may be performed on one or more operands. binary operator: takes two operands unary operator: takes one operand

Arithmetic operators

symbol operator example result
-x negation -10 -10
x + y addition 10 + 25 35
x - y subtraction 10 - 25 -15
x * y multiplication 10 * 5 50
x / y division 25 / 10 2.5
x // y truncating div. 25 // 10 2
25 // 10.0 2.0
x % y modulus 25 % 10 2.0
x ** y exponentiation 10 ** 2 100

Example: Your Place in the Universe

# Your Place in the Universe Program
# This program will determine the approximate number of atoms that a person is
# person consists of and the percent of the universe that they comprise
# Initialization
num_atoms_universe = 10e80
weight_avg_person = 70  # 70 kg (154 lbs)
num_atoms_avg_person = 7e27
# Program greeting
print('This program will determine your place in the universe.')
# Prompt for user's weight
weight_lbs = int(input('Enter your weight in pounds: '))
# Convert weight to kilograms
weight_kg = 2.2 * weight_lbs
# Determine number atoms and percentage of universe
num_atoms = (weight_kg / weight_avg_person) * num_atoms_avg_person
percent_of_universe = (num_atoms / num_atoms_universe) * 100
# Display results
print('You contain approximately', format(num_atoms, '.2e'), 'atoms')
print('Therefore, you comprise', format(percent_of_universe, '.2e'),
      '% of the universe')

Expressions and Data Types

What is an expression?

  • expression: a combination of symbols that evaluates to a value.
  • 4 + (3 * k) is an expression.
    • Has two subexpressions:
      • 4
      • (3 * k)
        • Has two subexpressions:
          • 3
          • k

Operator precedence and associativity

  • operator precedence determines which operations happen first.
  • operator associativity determines the order when two operands have the same precedence.

Python’s rules

  • So far…
  • Similar to math:
operator associativity
** right to left
- (negation) left to right
*, /, //, %left to right
+, - left to right


>>> 6 - 3 + 2
>>> 2 * 3 / 4
>>> 2 ** 3
>>> 2 ** 3 ** 2  # exponentiation is r-to-l

What is a data type?

  • Python differentiates between types of data.
  • So far we have seen character strings and numbers.
  • data type: a set of values and a set of operators that may be applied to those values.
  • + on a number is different than on a string.
  • can’t do / on a string.

Pythons basic types

  • Python has many built-in types.
    • string : character strings
    • int : integer values
    • float : floating point (i.e., real) values
    • bool : True or False
  • Use type() to get the type of a variable or literal.
>>> type(66)
<class 'int'>
>>> type(3.1)
<class 'float'>
>>> type(True)
<class 'bool'>
>>> type(3.1)
<class 'float'>

Static versus dynamic typing

  • Python is a dynamically typed language.
  • The same variable can store different type values at different times.
x = 41 + 1
x = 'I ate a donut.'
x = False
  • In statically typed languages, once a variable is associated with a type, the type can’t be changed.

Mixed-type expressions

  • Example: 3 + 1.2

Type coercion

  • type coercion: the implicit (and automatic) conversion of one type to another.

3 + 1.23.0 + 1.2 → 4.2

Type conversion

  • type conversion: explicitly converting one data type to another.
>>> str(42)    # convert into to string
>>> int('42')  # convert string to int
>>> int(3.9)   # convert float to int
>>> float('99') # convert int to float
>>> int('99.9') # nope
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '99.9'

Example: Temperature Conversion Program

# Temperature Conversion Program (Fahrenheit to Celsius)
# This program will convert a temperature entered in Fahrenheit
# to the equivalent degrees in Celsius
# program greeting
print('This program will convert degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius')
# get temperature in Fahrenheit
fahrenheit = float(input('Enter degrees Fahrenheit: '))
# calc degrees Celsius
celsius = (fahrenheit - 32) * 5 / 9
# output degrees Celsius
print(fahrenheit, 'degrees Fahrenheit equals',
       format(celsius, '.1f'), 'degrees Celsius')
python/dierbach/chapter_2_data_and_expressions.1469761294.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/07/29 03:01 by mithat

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