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Python first steps

Mithat Konar
from Dierbach's “Introduction to Computer Science using Python”

The Python language

  • Syntax is easy to read.
  • Interpreted and can be executed interactively.
  • Huge community.
    • Lots of support.
    • Lots of open source modules.


  • IDLE is Python's 'standard' IDE.
  • Good for starting to learn Python.
  • Many other IDEs.

IDLE in interactive mode

  • Often called REPL (read-evaluate-print-loop) mode.
  • >>> is the shell prompt
>>> 4 + 6
>>> 3 * 7

Basic math

  • +, -, *, /
  • ** is exponentiation
  • Note the use of parenthesis.
>>> 4 + 6
>>> 3 * 7
>>> 5 / 2
>>> 2 * (7 + 3)
>>> 2 ** 3

The standard library and import

  • Python's core is limited.
  • Add functionality by importing *modules*.
  • Lots of modules in the standard library.
>>> import math
>>> 4 * math.pi
>>> math.factorial(4)


  • variable: a name associated with a value.
>>> r = 5
>>> 2 * r
  • Variables can store character string values as well.
>>> city = 'Jakarata'

Basic input and output

  • Use print() to generate output.
>>> print('Hello, there.')
Hello there.
>>> n = 5
>>> print(n)
  • Use input() to get input.
>>> name = input('What do I call you? ')
What do I call you? Brian
>>> print('Hi,', name)
Hi, Brian

Using IDLE to develop a program

  • Create a new program file with File > New File or Ctrl+N on Linux and Windows.
  • Write code:
name = input('What do I call you? ')
print('Hi,', name)
print('Eat more vegetables.')
  • Save the file: File > Save (Ctrl+S) or File > Save As … (Ctrl+Shift+S)
    • File extension .py will be added automatically.
  • Run: Run > Run Module (F5)


  • Comments let you write notes to yourself or the reader of your code.
  • Anything after a # will be ignored by the interpreter.
# This is my first Python program.
name = input('What do I call you? ')  # get user's name
print('Hi,', name)  # print name entered by user
print('Eat more vegetables.')

More about strings

  • The + operator can be used to concatenate (put together) two string values.
>>> name = 'Carol ' + 'Cleveland'
>>> print(name)
Carol Cleveland

Converting values

  • Convert a number to a string with str().
>>> x = 99
>>> message = 'Number of red balloons: ' + str(x)
>>> print(message)
Number of red balloons: 99
  • Convert a string to an integer with int().
>>> x = '99'
>>> x + 1 # error because x is not a number but 1 is.
>>> int(x) + 1

More about input()

  • input() in Python 3 will always return a string.
  • If you expect a number, convert it:
num_balloons = input('How many balloons? ')
num_balloons_converted = int(num_balloons) + 1
  • Combining getting input and converting:
num_balloons = int(input('How many balloons? '))

A slightly more substantial program

  1. Define the problem.
  2. Design a solution.
  3. Code the solution.
  4. Test the solution.
  5. Document the solution.

Define the problem

I need an exponent calculator.

Solution: Write a program that allows the user to enter any integer base and integer exponent, and displays the value of the base raised to that exponent.

Observations: The user will enter the values from the keyboard. It would be good if the user got feedback when the result is printed. I will use Python because it will be easy to implement the solution with it.

Proposed interaction:

What base? 10
What power of 10? 4 
10 to the power of 4 is 10000

Design a solution

  1. Get the base from the user.
  2. Get the exponent from the user.
  3. Calculate base to the exponent power.
  4. Print “base to the power of exponent is result

Code the solution
# Exponent Calculator
# Calculate a base to an exponent's power.
# Mithat Konar
base = input('Enter the base: ')
exponent = input('Enter the exponent: ')
result = base ** exponent
print(base + ' to the power of ' + exponent + ' is ' + result)

Test the solution

Enter the base: 10
Enter the exponent: 4
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/mithat/", line 7, in <module>
    result = base ** exponent
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for ** or pow(): 'str' and 'str'

Oops. Back to step 3.

Code the solution (again)
# Exponent Calculator
# Calculate a base to an exponent's power.
# Mithat Konar
base = int(input('Enter the base: '))
exponent = int(input('Enter the exponent: '))
result = base ** exponent
print(base + ' to the power of ' + exponent + ' is ' + result)

Test the solution

Enter the base: 10
Enter the exponent: 4
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/mithat/", line 8, in <module>
    print(base + ' to the ' + exponent + 'power is ' + result)
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'

Oops (again).

Code the solution (last time)
# Exponent Calculator
# Calculate a base to an exponent's power.
# Mithat Konar
base = int(input('Enter the base: '))
exponent = int(input('Enter the exponent: '))
result = base ** exponent
print(str(base) + ' to the power of ' + str(exponent) + ' is ' + str(result))

Test the solution

Enter the base: 10
Enter the exponent: 4
10 to the power of 4 is 10000


Document the solution

  • In this case, we began documenting the program right from the start:
    • Writing out details of the problem.
    • Writing out the design of the solution.
    • Using comments in the source code.
  • Do this.
  • Every. Single. Time.
python/dierbach/chapter_1_python_first_steps.1469510546.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/07/26 05:22 by mithat

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