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Compass example

The following uses a simple compass to explore how randomness and noise can make representations seem more natural.

The following examples will show you:

  • How to make a simple compass.
  • How to make it jitter with randomness.
  • How to make it jitter with accumulated randomness.
  • How to make it jitter with Perlin noise.

You'll not find much description below. I may add some later, but my intent here is just to do a structured code dump.

Building a simple compass

Throughout all the examples on this page, we will use the following function to implement a simple compass:

 * Draw a compass.
 * @param direction      degrees offset indicated from due north (float)
 * @param indicatorSize  size of the directional indicator in pixels (float)
 * @param faceSize       radius of the compass face in pixels (float)
 * @param x              x-coordinate of the compass (foat)
 * @param y              y-coordinate of the compass (foat)
 * @return void
void drawCompass(float direction, float indicatorSize, float faceSize,
                 float x, float y)
  float needle_x, needle_y;
  // draw compass face
  ellipse(x, y, faceSize, faceSize);
  // calculate displacements
  direction %= 360.0;
  direction = radians(direction + 90.0);
  needle_x = faceSize/2*cos(direction);
  needle_y = faceSize/2*sin(direction);
  // draw the arm
  line(x, y, x-needle_x, y-needle_y);
  // draw the needle
  ellipse(x-needle_x, y-needle_y, indicatorSize, indicatorSize);

Here we use the function above to sweep the indicator through 360 degrees:

 * Compass example:
 * Sweep the indicator through 360 degrees.
 * Copyright (C) 2013 Mithat Konar
float ang;
void setup() {
  size(400, 300);
  ang = 0;
void draw() {
  // draw the compass
  drawCompass(ang, 20, 200, width/2, height/2);
  // and then advance the angle by 1 degree
  ang += 1;
  // and wrap around to 360 degrees
  ang %= 360;
processing/compass_example.1375498591.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/08/03 02:56 by mithat

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