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PDF output from KiCad in Linux

Using SVG

The most reliable way I've found to get good PDFs from KiCad under Linux is to first plot to SVG and then convert the SVGs to PDF. Plotting to SVG isn't difficult:

  • Eeschema: File > Plot > Plot SVG
  • Pcbnew: File > Print SVG

However, converting these files to PDF isn't nearly as straight forward. I use this script to automate the conversion process. I just drop a copy of the script into my project directory and run it whenever I want to convert files. There are a few things you should note:

  • Running this script will destroy any *.svg files in the working directory! That’s by design. I want to minimize the number of files that might be out of sync with the source, and keeping both SVGs and PDFs is just asking for trouble!
  • The script relies on Inkscape—which it runs in batch/shell mode. Inkscape isn't really that light, but it’s arguably something that should be in your FOSS toolkit anyway.
  • The script relies on Zentiy. If that offends your KDE or other sensibilities, I have a version that uses gxmessage or xmessage as well as a pure command-line version. I won't promise to keep those updated though.

Using Postscript

Another alternative is to use Postscript as an intermediate format. Here is a script that uses Ghostscript's ps2pdf for conversion. I prefer the SVG approach above as the color mapping (at least from Eeschema) is truer and (I think) page-sizing is automatic. I include the PS version here because there might be some limitations with SVGs that I've yet to discover.

kicad/pdf_output_from_kicad_in_linux.1372211984.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/06/26 01:59 by mithat

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