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Quick Guide to using KiCad for SPICE simulation

What you'll need

You will need the following:

  • A SPICE engine
    • ngspice: Arguably the most FOSSy commonly available SPICE engine.
    • gnucap: Not actually SPICE but tries to be syntax-compatible.
    • SpiceOpus: Proprietary but nice, especially the output plotting.
    • LTSpice: Linear Technology's popular, proprietary Windows solution. Works in Wine. Need to verify if it is scriptable. Has a GUI anyway, so …
    • PSpice: Windows-only, expensive, defacto standard professional solution in the USA. They also have a tradition of making available a gratis crippleware student version. Also has a a GUI, so …
  • Component librar(ies) with SPICE symbols
    • There is a library of basic SPICE components that ships with KiCad. It's good enough for initial experimentation.
      • In Debian-based Linux (and likely others), it's at /usr/share/kicad/library/pspice.lib. (PSpice is a popular proprietary version of SPICE.)
      • EESchema does not include this library in projects by default.
    • I am maintaining (slowly) my own library of components based on the above with some changes and additions.

Configuring a project

  1. Create a new project in the conventional way.
  2. Open EESchema and remove all the library references included by default.
  3. Manually add one or more libraries with SPICE components to the project.
    • The SPICE library that comes packaged with KiCad is not in the set of default libraries included in new KiCad projects.
  4. Specify the SPICE engine you want to use.
    • Click the “Generate netlist” button (or the equivalent menu item).
    • Select the “Spice” tab and enter the name of the command to invoke the simulator (with or without path) in the “Simulator command:” textbox.

Making it happen

  1. Do your schematic capture, subject to a couple best practices:
    • For named nets, use global labels instead of local labels.
      • In the netlists, global identifiers will be used as-is. However, local labels will get text prepended to the name, and this will make it hard for you to remember/guess what the full identifier is.
    • Use the “0” component from a SPICE component library rather than the GND symbol.
      • 0” is the official name of ground node in SPICE. Some engines may translate GND into 0, some are not.
  2. Specify the simulations you want to run and the output you want to display by adding a text block (i.e., “comment”) with the needed SPICE syntax plus a little added mojo. To do an AC analysis and plot the response at node vout, you would add the following block:
    ac dec 66 1kHz 120kHz 
    plot vdb(vout)
    set units = degrees
    plot vp(vout)
    • The line +pspice is KiCad-speak for, “Stick the following text at the end of a SPICE netlist.”
      • :!: There appears to be a bug in the parser that requires you to add a space after +pspice and the line break.
    • There is a corresponding -pspice that is KiCad-speak for, “Stick the following text at the start of a SPICE netlist.”
    • If you don't like seeing pspice in your designs, you can use gnucap instead. I believe they are exact synonyms in this context, but I am not certain.
    • Yes, this means you need to learn some SPICE syntax. It's not hard.
  3. Run the simulation:
    • Click the “Generate netlist” button (or the equivalent menu item).
    • Select the “Spice” tab, and make sure “Default format” is checked. (You should only have to do this once; it will just save you time in subsequent invocations of the dialog.)
    • Click the “Run simulator” button.
kicad/kicad_spice_quick_guide.1348434754.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/09/23 21:12 by mithat

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