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Toward a Rasperry Pi Softsynth Performance Setup

You probably want to read Toward a Linux Softsynth Performance Setup before reading this. It covers many topics that are common to both.

Setting up a Rasperry Pi as a dedicated softsyth thing for live performances is basically the same as doing it on a standard Linux laptop, except you might run into some packages not being available for the Pi. In particular, Carla isn't available for the Pi unless you want to try building it from sources, which I don't. So, this means we'll need to use something else to control JACK and to host plugins.

Software selections

Controlling JACK

To control JACK, QjackCtl seems the most promising.

Hosting plugins

Needs research

Plugin(s) to use

Needs research – is there Dexed for ARM?


We aren't going to use the Pi's built-in audio. We're just not. This means we are going to use either an external USB soundcard or a hat with an I2S DAC. A popular option for the latter is a PCM5102-based board like this one but available from an infinity of vendors. Try searching for “PCM5102 Raspberry Pi” on Amazon, eBay, and AliExpress. I have a couple Focusrite Scarlet 2i2s, so they will function as my test case for the former.

I'll use a setup with a conventional monitor with keyboard and mouse to get things rolling and then see if it makes sense to move to an official 7" touchscreen or even go headless.

And after that, I'll think about what kind of power supply to use to minimize the chances of the SD card getting corrupted. I might also think about moving everything to an SSD.

Initial steps

Install Raspberry Pi OS

Do a regular Raspberry Pi OS installation. Boot into it and verify everything is working as expected.

Details are TBD.

Configure audio



USB audio


Install the software selections

JACK and QJackCtl

Installation, configuration, and test are TBD

[Plugin host]




electronic_music/toward_a_rasperry_pi_softsynth_performance_setup.1689919942.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/07/21 06:12 by mithat

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