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Control Structures: Selection

Mithat Konar


  • Control structures are used to affect how statements are executed.
    • Sometimes also called flow control.

Control structures in C++

  • Three kinds of control structures are used in C++ and many other languages:
    • Sequence control
      • Statements are executed one after the other.
      • This happens by default in C++.
    • Selection structures
      • Used to choose among alternative courses of action.
    • Repetition structures
      • Used to repeat a set of instructions.

Single-entry/single-exit structures

  • Single-entry/single-exit structures:
    • Control structures that are entered from one point and exited from one point.
    • Connect the exit point of one control structure to entry point of the next: control-structure stacking.
    • Makes programs easy to build.

Selection structures

  • There are four selection structures available in C++:
    • if
    • if/else
    • nested if/else
    • switch

if selection structure

  • Used to do something if some condition is “true”.
  • Pseudocode example:
    if student’s grade is greater than 60
      print "Passed"

    If the condition is true the print statement is executed and program goes on to next statement. If the condition is false the print statement is ignored and the program goes onto the next statement.

if C++ syntax

  • C++ syntax:
    if (grade > 60)
      cout << "Passed" << endl;
  • The if structure is a single-entry/single-exit structure.

Relational operators

  • Relational operators are used to compare values and return a true or false value.
  • A value that is either true or false is a Boolean value.
    • bool type in C++

C++ relational operators

  • C++ supports the following relational operators:
    • > greater than
    • < less than
    • >= greater than or equal to
    • <= less than or equal to
    • == equal to (equality)
    • != not equal to (inequality)
    • Note: Do not confuse the == equality operator with the = assignment operator. This is a common mistake and can cause hard-to-find errors!

Order of precedence

operator associativity type
() left to right parenthesis
* / % left to right multiplicative
+ - left to right additive
<< >> left to right stream insertion/extraction
< <= > >= left to right relational
== != right to left equality
= right to left assignment

if/else selection structure

  • Used to do one thing if some condition is “true”, something else if the condition is “false”.
  • Pseudocode example:
    if student’s grade is greater than or equal to 60
      print “Passed”
      print "Failed"

    If the condition is true the “Passed” print statement is executed and the program goes on to next statement. If the condition is false the “Failed” print statement is executed and the program goes onto the next statement.

if/else C++ syntax

  • C++ syntax:
    if (grade >= 60)
      cout << "Passed" << endl;
      cout << "Failed" << endl;
  • The if/else structure is a single-entry/single-exit structure.

Nested if/else selection structure

  • Placing if/else selection structures inside if/else selection structures can be used to test for multiple cases.

Nested if/else pseudocode

  • “Logical” formatting:
    if student’s grade is greater than or equal to 90
      print "A"
      if student’s grade is greater than or equal to 80
        print "B"
        if student’s grade is greater than or equal to 70
          print "C"
         if student’s grade is greater than or equal to 60
           print "D"
           print "F"

Nested if/else pseudocode

  • “Readability” formatting:
    if student’s grade is greater than or equal to 90
      print "A"
    else if student’s grade is greater than or equal to 80
      print "B"
    else if student’s grade is greater than or equal to 70
      print "C"
    else if student’s grade is greater than or equal to 60
      print "D"
      print "F"

Nested if/else C++ implementation

  • C++ syntax:
    if ( grade >= 90 )
      cout << "A" << endl;
    else if (grade >= 80)
      cout << "B" << endl;
    else if (grade >= 70)
      cout << "C" << endl;
    else if (grade >= 60)
      cout << "D" << endl;
      cout << "F" << endl;

Compound statements

  • A simple statement in C++ is any statement that ends with a semicolon:
    cout << "This is a simple statement." << endl;
  • A compound statement is a set of simple statements placed between curly brackets:
      cout << "I am a ";
      cout << "compound statement." << endl;

Compound statement example

  • A compound statement can be used anywhere a simple statement can be used, for example in an if statement:
    if (grade >= 60)
      cout << "Passed." << endl;
      cout << "Failed." << endl;
      cout << "You must take this course again." << endl;
  • Without the brackets, the statement
    cout << "You must take this course again." << endl;

    would be executed no matter what.


  • A compound statement with variable declarations is called a block.
  • C++ example:
    if (grade >= 60)
      cout << "Passed." << endl;
      char yourGrade;
      yourGrade = 'F';
      cout << "You received a grade of " << yourGrade << endl;
      cout << "You must take this course again." << endl;

Logical operators

  • Logical operators are used to implement standard logical operations.
  • Like relational operators, logical operators return Boolean values (i.e., they form Boolean expressions).

C++ logical operators

  • && (logical AND)
    • Takes two operands
    • Returns true if both operands are true, false otherwise.
  • || (logical OR)
    • Takes two operands
    • Returns true if either operand is true, false otherwise.
  • ! (logical NOT, logical negation)
    • Takes one operand
    • Returns true when its operand is false, false otherwise.
  • Precedence: !&&||

Truth table for logical AND

expression result
false && false false
false && true false
true && false false
true && true true

Truth table for logical OR

expression result
false || false false
false || true true
true || false true
true || true true

Truth table for logical NOT

expression result
!false true
!true false


assume: int x = 12, y = 5, z = -4;

expression result
(x > y) && (y > z) true
(x > y) && (z > y) false
(x <= z) || (y == z) false
(x <= z) || (y != z) true
!(x >= z)false


  • short-circuit evaluation: evaluating only as much as necessary (from left to right) to determine the result.
    int x = 5, y = 6;
    if ( (x < 0) && (-6 > y-1) )  // (-6 > y-1) is not evaluated
    if ( (x > 0) || (-6 > y-1) )  // (-6 > y-1) is not evaluated
  • Keep this in mind for later

More about Boolean values

  • In C++:
    • The value 0 (the integer zero) is considered false,
    • anything else is considered true.
  • Thus, the following example will print foo:
    if (6)
      cout << "foo" << endl;
      cout << "bar" << endl;
  • and the following will print bar:
    if (0)
      cout << "foo" << endl;
      cout << "bar" << endl;

Comparing characters and strings

  • See Gaddis 4.12.

The conditional operator

  • C++ has a ternary conditional operator
    • Similar to an if/else control structure.
    • Unlike if/else, the conditional operator returns a value.
    • Syntax:expr1 ? expr2 : expr3;
    • Semantics: “If expr1 is true, return the value of expr2, otherwise return the value of expr3.”
    • Examples:
      y = x<0 ? -1.0*x : x;
      w = x<0 ? y=10 : z=20;

switch structure

  • See Gaddis 4.14.

More about blocks and scope

  • See Gaddis 4.15.
cplusplus/control_structures_selection.1359870882.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/02/03 05:54 by mithat

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