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C versus C++

Adapted from “Differences Between C and C++”
by Robert Niemann (Century College), 11/22/2015

Adapted by Mithat Konar

C is not object-oriented

  • You can't create classes or objects in C.
  • You can't use any of C++'s predefined classes and objects.
    • cin
    • cout
    • string
    • class
    • etc.

Input and output

  • Input/output is generally more complicated in C.

Console commands

  • printf() write a formatted string to the display
  • scanf() read a formatted string from the keyboard
  • putchar() write a single character to the display
  • getchar() read a single character from the keyboard
  • puts() write strings to the display
  • gets() read a string from the keyboard

File commands

  • fopen() open a text file.
  • fclose() close a text file.
  • feof() detect end-of-file marker in a file.
  • fscanf() read formatted string from a file.
  • fprintf() write formatted string to a file.
  • fgets() read a string from a file.
  • fputs() write a string to a file.
  • fgetc() read single character from a file.
  • fputc() write a single character to a file.

Different header files

  • <stdio.h> input/output
  • <stdlib.h> standard utility functions
  • <string.h> string operations
  • <ctype.h> character class tests
  • <math.h> mathematical functions

C does not have

  • boolean type
  • reference variables
  • function overloading
  • // single line comments in older versions of C.

Defining variables

  • You must define variables at the beginning of a function.
int  main( )
    int a,b,c;
    float x,y,z;


  • You don’t need function prototypes.
  • Best practice to use them anyway.
int main()
    return 0;
int foo()
    printf( "Hello world" );

Named constants (macros)

  • const is available only in newer versions of C.
  • #define precompiler directive typically used instead of const.
  • #define can also be used to create macros.
#define PI 3.1415
#define TAX_RATE 0.065
#define square(x) ((x) * (x))

Dynamic memory

  • Different way to allocate/deallocate dynamic memory:
int *x = malloc(sizeof(int));            /* allocate a single int */
int *x_array = malloc(sizeof(int) * 10); /* allocate array of 10 ints */
/* release storage that was allocated */
free( x );
free( x_array );


  • Need to use struct keyword when defining struct variables
struct MyStruct
    int x;
struct MyStruct aStructInstance;

C Examples

Some C Resources

cplusplus/c_vs._c.1461279647.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/04/21 23:00 by mithat

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