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DIY Arduino

It's not that hard to make your own Arduino. In what follows, I am assuming you want to make a barebones standalone microcontroller that runs Arduino sketches.

This is mostly a core dump of something in process.

Software-ish stuff

When you buy a premade Arduino, the microcontroller comes preprogrammed with a bootloader. Your premade Arduino also has USB circuitry on it that lets you upload sketches via USB from a host computer. When making our own standalone Arduinos, we are going to need a way to to burn the bootloader onto the virgin microcontrollers, and we'll need a way to upload sketches to the Arduino via USB. There are a few ways to do both these. Here's what appeals to me.

Burning the bootloader

The bootloader is a small program that remains constant on the chip and starts off the process of running the sketches that you upload later. You'll only need to burn the bootloader once to the Atmega chip.

You can use an Arduino board to burn the bootloader onto new chips.1) While the setup might seem a bit finicky and error-prone, since you'll only do this once per device, it might not be too inconvenient. Making a shield with a ZIF socket for this takes the finickiness out of the equation.

You can get cards/adapters that you can use instead of an Arduino2), but I think an Uno, possibly with a custom shield, will work just fine for my needs–particularly since this method is supported by Arduino itself. The other methods might make more sense if you are using an SMD Atmeaga and/or want to burn the bootloader while it is in circuit.

Nonstandard Arduinos

Depending on what kind of AVR you are programming and what features you are using (internal vs. external clock, for example) you may need to provide your IDE with additional board.txt files and other information. The process consists of dropping the extra description files into ../<your-sketches-folder>/hardware. Two common examples are:

* ATmega328pu with internal clock: See “Minimal Circuit (Eliminating the External Clock)” in From Arduino to a Microcontroller on a Breadboard. * ATtiny: See Programming an ATtiny w/ Arduino 1.6 (or 1.0).

Uploading sketches

For uploading sketches to the standalone Arduino, you can use a spare Arduino board as the go-between. The idea is that you remove the microcontroller from the spare Arduino board, then connect TX, RX, and Reset from the board to your circuit.3) This setup seems prone to error and because you're likely to be using it a lot, it looks like it's prone to getting really old.

I think a better approach is to buy an inexpensive USB to serial cable/adapter. Apparently, it can't be just any old serial to USB adapter; the Arduino needs to be reset by the host when new sketches are uploaded, and it appears the serial DTR pin is used for this. So, make sure the board you buy has a DTR output.

The classic chip used for USB to serial conversion is the FTDI FT232RL4). I believe these were used in earlier Arduinos. Recent Unos use an ATmega16U2-MU with custom software.

Note that the FTDI FT232RL requires custom drivers on Windows–ones that may brick the unit if the driver thinks the chip is a fake! There are some low cost alternatives to the FT232RL that promise to work as well and may have better driver support (depending on your platform).

Some options for USB to serial adapters appear to include:

The CH340 in particular seems to be taking off with Arduino clone makers–possibly because it's both cheap and has no dramatic driver issues on Windows.

TODO: A table with driver requirements for Windows, MacOS, and Linux.

Make sure the voltage level of the adapter matches the voltage the microprocessor is running on. Then connect things up as follows:

Adapter board DIY Arduino's processor
Ground Ground
DTR Reset
V+ V+ (optional depending on how things are powered)

As far as I know, you can then use the Arduino IDE to upload sketches as normal.

This video is instructive.

Some references


Lots more

See “Burning the Bootloader” in From Arduino to a Microcontroller on a Breadboard.
See “Bootloading your chips OPTIONAL” in Building an Arduino on a Breadboard
See “Uploading Using an Arduino Board” in From Arduino to a Microcontroller on a Breadboard.
Beware of counterfeits! See this and this!
arduino/diy_ardunio/start.1426733557.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/03/19 02:52 by mithat

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