Table of Contents

Creating and Using Templates


{# == basics == #}
{# comment #}
{{ varname }}
{% doSomething %}
{{ varname|filtername }}
{# == inheritance == #}
{# a block defined in the parent: #}
{% block blockname %}
    block content
{% endblock %}
{# can be overridden in child template: #}
{% extends 'parent.html.twig' %}
{% block blockname %}
    new content
    {# get content of parent's block #}
    {{ parent() }}
{% endblock %}
{# create links using path() or url() and route name #} 
<a href="{{ path('route_name', {'varname': value}) }}">Relative link</a>
<a href="{{ url('route_name', {'varname': value}) }}">Absolute link</a>
{# use asset() to get assets #}
<img src="{{ asset('images/logo.png') }}" alt="Symfony!" />
<img src="{{ asset('images/logo.png', absolute=true) }}" alt="Symfony!" />


Twig Template Caching

Template Inheritance and Layouts

Template Naming and Locations

Referencing Templates in a Bundle

Template Suffix

Tags and Helpers

Including other Templates

{% for article in articles %}
    {{ include('article/article_details.html.twig', { 'article': article }) }}
{% endfor %}

Embedding Controllers

namespace AppBundle\Controller;
class ArticleController extends Controller
    public function recentArticlesAction($max = 3)
        // get the "$max" most recent articles
        $articles = ...;
        return $this->render(
            array('articles' => $articles)

with a template

{% for article in articles %}
    <a href="/article/{{ article.slug }}">
        {{ article.title }}
    {# hardcoded URL above is not a best practice. #}
{% endfor %}

and the embed using the controller() call:

{# ... #}
<div id="sidebar">
    {{ render(controller(
        { 'max': 3 }
    )) }}

Asynchronous Content with hinclude.js


Linking to Pages

{# relative links with path(): #}
<a href="{{ path('route_name') }}">Home</a>
<a href="{{ path('route_name', {'varname': value}) }}">Dynamic link</a>
{# absolute links with url(): #}
<a href="{{ url('route_name') }}">Home</a>
<a href="{{ url('route_name', {'varname': value}) }}">Dynamic link</a>

Linking to Assets

Use the asset() function:

<img src="{{ asset('images/logo.png') }}" alt="Symfony!" />
<link href="{{ asset('css/blog.css') }}" rel="stylesheet" />
<img src="{{ asset('images/logo.png', version='3.0') }}" alt="Symfony!" />
<img src="{{ asset('images/logo.png', absolute=true) }}" alt="Symfony!" />

Including Stylesheets and JavaScripts in Twig

Consider using Assetic.

With Twig, assuming you have the parent:

        {# ... #}
        {% block stylesheets %}
            <link href="{{ asset('css/main.css') }}" rel="stylesheet" />
        {% endblock %}
        {# ... #}

in its child you can add to the assets defined in the parent:

{% extends 'base.html.twig' %}
{% block stylesheets %}
    {{ parent() }}
    <link href="{{ asset('css/contact.css') }}" rel="stylesheet" />
{% endblock %}
{# ... #}

You can also include assets located in your bundles' Resources/public folder. You will need to run php app/console assets:install target [–symlink], which moves (or symlinks) files into the correct location (target is by default “web”.).

<link href="{{ asset('bundles/acmedemo/css/contact.css') }}" rel="stylesheet" />

Global Template Variables

Configuring and Using the templating Service

return $this->render('article/index.html.twig');

is equivalent to:

use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
$engine = $this->container->get('templating');
$content = $engine->render('article/index.html.twig');
return $response = new Response($content);

It's preconfigured out of the box. Further config is in:

    # ...
    templating: { engines: ['twig'] }

Overriding Bundle Templates

The source.

Overriding Core Templates

The source.

Three-level Inheritance

The three-template model is a best-practice method used by vendor bundles so that the base template for a bundle can be easily overridden to properly extend your application's base layout.

  1. Create an app/Resources/views/base.html.twig file that contains the main layout for your application. Internally, this template is called base.html.twig.
  2. Create a template for each “section” of your site.
    {% extends 'base.html.twig' %}
    {% block body %}
        <h1>Blog Application</h1>
        {% block content %}{% endblock %}
    {% endblock %}
  3. Create individual templates for each page and make each extend the appropriate section template.
    {% extends 'blog/layout.html.twig' %}
    {% block content %}
        {% for entry in blog_entries %}
            <h2>{{ entry.title }}</h2>
            <p>{{ entry.body }}</p>
        {% endfor %}
    {% endblock %}

Output Escaping

Output Escaping in Twig

Output escaping is on by default in Twig, so you're protected. By default, the output escaping assumes that content is being escaped for HTML output. To bypass escaping, use the raw filter:

{{ article.body|raw }}

You can also disable output escaping inside a {% block %} area or for an entire template. See Output Escaping in the Twig documentation.

Output Escaping in PHP

In PHP, output escaping is not automatic, meaning you'll need to manually escape() where necessary:

Hello <?php echo $view->escape($name) ?>  // HTML escapting by default
var myMsg = 'Hello <?php echo $view->escape($name, 'js') ?>'; // Specify context


dump() is your friend.


namespace AppBundle\Controller;
class ArticleController extends Controller
    public function recentListAction()
        $articles = ...;
        // ...

In Twig:

{{ dump(articles) }}
{% for article in articles %}
    <a href="/article/{{ article.slug }}">
        {{ article.title }}
{% endfor %}

To dump() in Twig, Twig's debug setting (in config.yml) must be true (which is the case for dev but not prod).

Syntax Checking

Check for syntax errors in Twig templates using the lint:twig console command:

# By filename:
$ php app/console lint:twig path/to/your_tempalte.html.twig
# By directory:
$ php app/console lint:twig app/Resources/views

Template Formats

Twig can render *any** format.

The name.format.twig naming format is a convention. Using the convention you can do:

public function indexAction(Request $request)
    $format = $request->getRequestFormat();
    return $this->render('article/index.'.$format.'.twig');

(See the Advanced Example in Routing.)

Create format links thus:

<a href="{{ path('article_show', {'id': 123, '_format': 'pdf'}) }}">
    PDF Version