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GUI options for embedded design: specifics
Specific ideas for interfaces built around the Arduino Uno.
Unless otherwise noted, all of the following require one of the following:
- tactile switches
- Digi-Key tact switches that take caps.
- Digi-Key tact switch caps (non-illuminated; some Eswitch options seem to be missing).
- capacitive switches using an IC.
- These as buttons.
Small OLEDs
Small 1.8" or 1.44" TFT
- \$5.50 + switches
- Very small
- Based on ST7735
- 1.8“ 160×128
- About $10 from USA on eBay ( 1).
- East Rising has ILI9163-based versions around \$6+, possibly with optional touch.
- Adafruit's version is around \$20!!
- 1.44” 128×128 can be had for about $3 from China.
- Current tests suggest it's too data-intensive for realtime use for the Uno.
Character LCD
- \$6 to \$12 + switches
- Bezel makes things potentially ugly.
- Using I2C (PCF8574 or MCP2008) with Arduino BigCrystal or Arduino BigCrystalTWI.
- Converter module for ~\$1.
- Easy s/w design.
- alice1101983 blue: \$3.92 (\$19.84 for 5), yellow-green: \$4.26; + \$1.85 shipping
- East Rising ERM2004FS-1 20×4 black on white FSTN parallel: $10.30
- East Rising ERM2004DNS-1 20×4 white on black FFSTN parallel: $11.68
LED matrix
- \$10 (or ~\$2/character) + switches
- Potential s/w complexity.
- Limited number of characters and flexibility.
- Really begs for capacitive switches.
Graphic LCD
Nokia 5110
- Around \$2 to \$3 from China (plus shipping).
- About 1.33“ diagonal size.
- SparkFun's page has good info.
- The actual LCD parts are surplus/pulls from phones.
- my experience with one of these points to potential reliability issues.
- \$12 (less in quantity or if you want to slum it with STN from China) + switches
- Bezel makes things potentially ugly.
- Dated?
- Example cheap STN from China, 128×64 ST7920: \$4.90 + \$1.99
- Same but from USA: \$10.99
- East Rising FSTN ERM12864FS-6, 2.9” 128×64 SPI ST7920 black on white: \$8.41 + \$4.05
- East Rising STN ERM12864SBS-6 2.9“ 128×64 SPI ST7920 white on blue: \$11.56
- East Rising ERC12864FS-655, 2.8” 128×64 SPI ST7920 black on white w/ opt. touchscreen: \$6.26 + \$4.05
- Lots of 128×64 OLED options as well, e.g. this 2.42" SPI for \$19.77 + \$1.85 or this for \$19.75 or this for \$26.95.
- \$16 + shipping and up
- Tact switches possibly not required — but only the enhanced 7“ has capacitive touch.
- Lots of graphic image generation time needed (“style by image,” not “style by text”).
- 2.4" basic 320×240: \$16.40
- 2.4" enhanced 320×240: \$20.40
- 2.8" basic 320×240: \$18.40
- 2.8" enhanced 320×240: \$22.40
- 3.2" basic 400×240: \$22.40
- 3.5" basic 480×320: \$27.40
- 4.3" basic 480×272: \$44.90
- $19 + shipping + switches
- Waveshare 2.9" module, 296×128 SPI: \$18.99 + shipping
Larger color LCD
- The UNO is probably too slow for anything larger than 200×200 pixels.
misc/gui_options_for_embedded_design_specifics.txt · Last modified: 2018/01/27 22:19 by mithat