====== MATLAB exercise solutions (Century College, CSCI 1081, Fall 2024) ======
a = [1 2 3 4 5 6];
%a = [1:6]; % also works
disp(a * 7);
% not provided.
a = [2 3 1 5; 1 0 3 1; 0 2 -3 2; 0 2 3 1];
% either works for multiplying a matrix with a scalar:
disp(a * 7);
disp(a .* 7);
a = [2 3 1 5; 1 0 3 1; 0 2 -3 2; 0 2 3 1];
b = inv(a);
disp(a * b); % result is (approx.) identity matrix
a = [2 3 1 5; 1 0 3 1; 0 2 -3 2; 0 2 3 1];
b = [1 2 3; 10 20 30; 0.1 0.2 0.3];
matrixinfo(b); % square matrix of Inf values
function matrixinfo(m)
% matrix_info(m)
% Tell the user whether mtx is a square matrix. If it is a square matrix,
% display the matrix's transpose and inverse.
msize = size(m);
if ndims(m) == 2 && msize(1) == msize(2),
disp('It''s a square matrix.');
disp('The transpose is:');
disp('The inverse is:');
disp('The matrix isn''t square.');
end % if
end % function
% Input data for three monkeys
% initialize data to -1)
data = ones(NUM_MONKEYS, NUM_MONKEYS) * -1;
% Get monkey data
for monkey = 1:NUM_MONKEYS,
% enter row data as days of week
for day = 1:NUM_DAYS,
is_valid = false;
while ~is_valid,
prompt = ['Monkey ' num2str(monkey) ', day ' num2str(day) ': '];
data(monkey, day) = input(prompt);
is_valid = data(monkey, day) >= 0;
if ~is_valid,
disp('Try again.');
end; % if
end % while
end % inner for
end % outer for
% for each column, compute the average:
avgeaten = zeros(1, NUM_DAYS);
for day = 1:NUM_DAYS,
avgeaten(day) = mean(data(:, day));
end % for
% Display report
disp('The average amount eaten on each day:');
disp(['The least amount eaten this week: ' num2str(min(min(data))) ]);
disp(['The greatest amount eaten this week: ' num2str(max(max(data))) ]);