~~SLIDESHOW~~ ~~NOTOC~~ ====== What is a Wiki? ====== Mithat Konar 2013-03-11 ===== Definitions ===== * **wiki**: //"a Web application whose content is collaboratively added, updated, and organized by its users."// (Mitchell) * Emphasis in a wiki is on: * Letting users create pages quickly. * Making it easy to link pages to each other. * **wiki engine**: the program that runs a wiki. * **wiki markup language**: simple text-based system for writing pages. ===== History ===== //"Wikis can be dated to 1995, when American computer programmer Ward Cunningham created a new collaborative technology for organizing information on Web sites. Using a Hawaiian term meaning 'quick,' he called this new software WikiWikiWeb."// (Britannica) ===== Typical wiki features ===== * Easy writing * Editing history * Editing protection ===== Easy writing ===== * Central features of a wiki markup language: * simple text syntax for creating new pages * simple text syntax for creating crosslinks between internal pages * support for hyperlinks * Each wiki engine tends to have its own markup language. * [[http://www.wikicreole.org/|Creole]] is an attempt to create a standard markup language for wikis. ===== Easy writing ===== * Sometimes, a **toolbar** will be provided on the editing screen with icons to insert the most commonly used markup. * Sometimes a wiki will supply a **WYSIWYG** interface for writing pages, similar to what you would find in a word processor. ===== Editing history ===== * Many wiki engines maintain a **history** of your page editing. * Every change you make to a page is kept track of so you can compare the current version to an older one. * Especially important in an open wiki in case someone makes some really bad changes--on purpose or by accident. ===== Editing protection ===== * Wikis can be * **open**: //anyone// can view and edit pages * **closed**: anyone can view pages, you must have an account to edit pages * **private**: you must have an account to view and edit the wiki ===== Ways to get a wiki of your own ===== * It is easy to create your own wiki. * Two choices: * Use a hosted service. * Install a service yourself. ===== Hosted service ===== * There are a number of service providers that let you create a wiki on their servers (often at no cost). * //Pro//: * They've done the hard work of setting up the service for you. * //Cons//: * Typically will insert advertising into your pages to make money. * Many limit the number and/or size of pages in their free offerings. * May go out of business--and take your wiki with them! ===== Hosted service ===== * Popular hosted wiki services: * [[http://www.wikia.com|Wikia]] * [[http://www.wikihost.org|wikihost.org]] * [[http://www.wikispot.org/|wiki spot]] * [[http://www.wikispaces.com/|Wikispaces]] ===== Self-installed service ===== * To install your own wiki service, you will need to have an account with a [[wp>Web hosting service]]. * Then you can usually install a wiki engine by uploading the needed files or sometimes just enabling an engine in the Web host's control panel. * //Pro// * Your wiki will be free from advertising and won't have space and other limitations. * //Con// * You may have to fix any problems that come up and make backups yourself. ===== Self-installed service ===== * Popular and/or easy to install wiki engines include: * [[http://dokuwiki.org/|Dokuwiki]] * [[http://lionwiki.0o.cz/|LionWiki]] * [[http://www.pmwiki.org/|PmWiki]] * [[http://www.mediawiki.org|MediaWiki]] ===== References/sources ===== Mitchell, Scott. "Easy Wiki Hosting, Scott Hanselman's blog, and Snagging Screens." MSDN | Microsoft Development, Subscriptions, Resources, and More. Microsoft, Inc., 1 July 2008. Web. 29 Mar. 2011. . "Wiki: What Is Wiki." Wiki: Welcome Visitors. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Mar. 2011. . "wiki (Web site) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia." Encyclopedia - Britannica Online Encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Mar. 2011. .