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Operating System Fundamentals

Adapted from:
LaBerta, Catherine. “System Software.” In Computers Are Your Future. 11th ed. Boston: Prentice Hall., 2010

Mithat Konar
Dec. 4, 2019

The Operating System

The Operating System

OS function 1: Starting the computer

OS function 1: Starting the computer

Booting: six steps

Booting step 1: BIOS and EFI

Booting step 1: BIOS and EFI

Booting step 2: Test the hardware

Booting step 3: Load the operating system

Booting step 4: Check the system configuration

Booting step 5: Load system utilities

Booting step 6: Authenticate user

OS function 2: Managing applications

OS function 3: Managing memory

OS function 3: Managing memory

Virtual memory

OS function 3: Managing memory

OS function 4: Handling input and output

OS function 5: Provide a user interface

User interfaces

a) graphical, b) menu-driven, and c) command-line user interfaces

OS function 5: Provide a user interface