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Custom fonts for Ucglib

This is how I built custom fonts for Ucglib/ Ucglib_Arduino on Linux.

Ucglib uses BDF fonts as a source. The basic process to convert a typical font file for use in Ucglib is:

Details are provided below.


Getting otf2bdf and fontforge

otf2bdf, gbdfed and fontforge are available in many Linux distributions.

Building bdfconv

You will probably have to build bdfconv yourself. Download the Ucglib repository, move into tools/font/bdfconv and

$ make

This will build a bdfconv executable. Put that executable or a symbolic link to it into your bin directory.

The process

Convert OTF or TTF to BDF

Using otf2bdf:

$ otf2bdf -v -n -r 72 -p 71 -l '32 48_57 65_90' -c M -o filename.bdf filename.otf

gbdfed also can import and convert fonts, but the monospace/proportional setting seems to be wonky. fontforge may be another option.

View the result using gbdfed or fontforge.

Once the font is in BDF format, you can use fontforge to edit it, which might include removing unused characters or tweaking bitmaps.

Convert the BDF file to C using bdfconv

$ bdfconv -v -b 2 -f 0 -n fontname -d image.tga -o filename.c filename.bdf 

Note: There seems to be an upper limit to the size of the font. FIXME What is it?

Add new code to Ucglib

  1. Paste the content of the new C file to src/clib/ucg_pixel_font_data.c — making sure to remove the redundant
    #include "ucg.h"
  2. Add an extern entry for the above variable to src/clib/ucg.h