====== Using the system log ====== ''Log.d(//tag//, //message//)'' lets you output anything you want to the console when you run the app in debug mode. You have to import ''android.util.Log'' to use ''Log.d''. Example: Log.d("MyMessages", "Hello, world."); In Android Studio, when you run your app in debug mode (//Run > Debug 'app'// or the bug icon in the toolbar or Shift+F9) you should see a new pane on the bottom panel: **6: Android monitor**. Your messages will show up there---along with a bunch of others. You can filter out everything except what you have tagged with your //tag// by selecting "Edit filter configuration" from dropdown at the far right of the **6: Android monitor** pane and adding your //tag// to the "Log Tag" field. You may have to uncheck the "Regex" box. For more info, see [[https://developer.android.com/tools/debugging/debugging-studio.html|Debugging with Android Studio]] at the Android Developers site.