Table of Contents
Video capture examples
The examples below lean heavily on documentation and code from the Processing 2.0 library reference and at Learning Processing.
List available capture devices
You'll need at least one available device to do video capture. The following sketch will print out a list of available capture devices to the console. On Linux (the only platform I tested) different resolutions show up as different devices.
- list_capture_devices.pde
/** Print out a list of available capture (i.e., video) devices * @author Mithat Konar */ import*; Capture cam; void setup() { String[] cameras = Capture.list(); if (cameras.length == 0) { println("There are no cameras available for capture."); exit(); } println("Available cameras:"); for (int i = 0; i < cameras.length; i++) { println("camera " + i + ": " + cameras[i]); } }
Show video
There are two ways you can set up video capture: by requesting capture parameters or specifying the device.
By requesting capture parameters
- show_capture_by_parameters.pde
/** Show video using requested capture parameters * @author Mithat Konar */ import*; Capture cam; final int CAM_WIDTH = 320; final int CAM_HEIGHT = 240; final int FPS = 15; void setup() { size(CAM_WIDTH, CAM_HEIGHT); if (Capture.list().length == 0) { println("There are no cameras available for capture."); exit(); } // Instantiate a new Capture object, requesting the specs: cam = new Capture(this, CAM_WIDTH, CAM_HEIGHT, FPS); cam.start(); // In Processing 2.0, you need to start the capture device } void draw() { if (cam.available() == true) {; } image(cam, 0, 0); }
By specifying device
Processing will crop the capture to the canvas size if it doesn't fit.
- show_capture_by_devnum.pde
/** Show video using specified capture device * @author Mithat Konar */ import*; Capture cam; final int CANVAS_WIDTH = 320; final int CANVAS_HEIGHT = 240; final int camnum = 55; // Pick a camnum that makes sense given the canvas size! void setup() { size(CANVAS_WIDTH, CANVAS_HEIGHT); String[] camera_list = Capture.list(); if (camera_list.length == 0) { println("There are no camera_list available for capture."); exit(); } println("Available cameras:"); for (int i = 0; i < camera_list.length; i++) { println("camera " + i + ": " + camera_list[i]); } println(); println("Using camera " + camnum + ", " + camera_list[camnum] + "."); // Instantiate a Capture object by specifying the device name stored // in camera_list array: cam = new Capture(this, camera_list[camnum]); cam.start(); // In Processing 2.0, you need to start the capture device } void draw() { if (cam.available() == true) {; } image(cam, 0, 0); }
Capture is a PImage
Something the documentation on the Capture class doesn’t mention is that Capture is derived from PImage. This is the key to manipulating Capture output. You need to dig into the Capture source code to figure that out:
public class Capture extends PImage implements PConstants { ...
This means all the methods and fields available to PImage objects should also be available to Capture objects.
Reduce resolution
The following example will reduce the resolution of the captured video in both space and time. In addition, it adds a filter that renders the output in black and white. (This might be useful for determining roughly the minimum resolution required for useful processed video results.)
- capture_reduce_res.pde
/** Reduce resolution of captured image. * @author Mithat Konar */ import*; Capture cam; // The video capture device. PImage img; // Buffer image. // Canvas parameters final int CANVAS_WIDTH = 320; final int CANVAS_HEIGHT = 240; final int CANVAS_FPS = 4; // Video capture parameters (adjust as neeeded for your // platform's available capture options): final int CAM_WIDTH = 320; final int CAM_HEIGHT = 240; final int CAM_FPS = 15; // Rendering parameters: number of cells the rendered // image should be in each direction: final int REDUCED_WIDTH = 128; final int REDUCED_HEIGHT = 96; void setup() { frameRate(CANVAS_FPS); size(CANVAS_WIDTH, CANVAS_HEIGHT); if (Capture.list().length == 0) { println("There are no cameras available for capture."); exit(); } // Instantiate a buffer image used for subsampling, etc. img = createImage(REDUCED_WIDTH, REDUCED_HEIGHT, RGB); // Instantiate a new Capture object, requesting the specs: cam = new Capture(this, CAM_WIDTH, CAM_HEIGHT, CAM_FPS); cam.start(); // In Processing 2.0, you need to start the capture device } void draw() { // Grab a frame if (cam.available() == true) {; } // The following should work but doesn't. // cam.resize(REDUCED_WIDTH, REDUCED_HEIGHT); // So we use an interim buffer image instead: img.copy(cam, 0, 0, CAM_WIDTH, CAM_HEIGHT, 0, 0, REDUCED_WIDTH, REDUCED_HEIGHT); // And draw the image (full canvas): image(img, 0, 0, width, height); filter(GRAY); // Render image() in B&W. }
This version walks through each pixel in the reduced image and renders its value as an NxN block. (N is called OUTPUT_SCALE in the code below.)
- capture_reduce_res-2.pde
/** Reduce resolution of captured image. Display results in blocks. * @author Mithat Konar */ import*; // === Program constants === // // Rendering parameters: // number of cells the rendered image should be in each direction: final int REDUCED_WIDTH = 32; final int REDUCED_HEIGHT = 24; // Canvas parameters: // number of times you want REDUCED image blown up: final int OUTPUT_SCALE = 10; // frame rate of rendered output: final int CANVAS_FPS = 8; // Video capture parameters // (adjust as neeeded for your platform's available capture options): final int CAM_WIDTH = 320; final int CAM_HEIGHT = 240; final int CAM_FPS = 15; // === Global variables ===// Capture cam; // The video capture device. PImage img; // Buffer image. // === GO! === // void setup() { frameRate(CANVAS_FPS); size(REDUCED_WIDTH*OUTPUT_SCALE, REDUCED_HEIGHT*OUTPUT_SCALE); if (Capture.list().length == 0) { println("There are no cameras available for capture."); exit(); } // Instantiate a buffer image used for subsampling, etc. img = createImage(REDUCED_WIDTH, REDUCED_HEIGHT, RGB); // Instantiate a new Capture object, requesting the specs: cam = new Capture(this, CAM_WIDTH, CAM_HEIGHT, CAM_FPS); cam.start(); // In Processing 2.0, you need to start the capture device } void draw() { // Grab a frame if (cam.available() == true) {; } // Using a buffer because // cam.resize(REDUCED_WIDTH, REDUCED_HEIGHT); // doesn't work :-( img.copy(cam, 0, 0, CAM_WIDTH, CAM_HEIGHT, 0, 0, REDUCED_WIDTH, REDUCED_HEIGHT); img.loadPixels(); // For each column in img: for (int col = 0; col < REDUCED_WIDTH; col++) { // For each row in img: for (int row = 0; row < REDUCED_HEIGHT; row++) { // Get color from pixel at col, row color c = img.pixels[col + row*img.width]; fill(c); stroke(c); rect(col*OUTPUT_SCALE, row*OUTPUT_SCALE, OUTPUT_SCALE, OUTPUT_SCALE); } } }
You can render grayscale instead of color above by replacing the line
color c = img.pixels[col + row*img.width];
float c = brightness(img.pixels[col + row*img.width]);
Brightest pixel
The following example takes the reduced resolution camera feed above and draws a colored circle inside the brightest pixel found. If there is more than one pixel with the same brightness, then it shows the first one (scanning from top-left to bottom-right). It also adds some code to indicate frame timing.
- capture_brightest_pixel.pde
/** Reduce resolution of captured image and indicate brightest pixel. * @author Mithat Konar */ import*; // === Program constants === // // Rendering parameters: // number of cells the rendered image should be in each direction: final int REDUCED_WIDTH = 32; final int REDUCED_HEIGHT = 24; // Canvas parameters: // number of times you want REDUCED image blown up: final int OUTPUT_SCALE = 20; // frame rate of rendered output: final int CANVAS_FPS = 6; // should divide evenly into CAM_FPS // to avoid jitter. // Video capture parameters // (adjust as neeeded for your platform's available capture options): final int CAM_WIDTH = 320; final int CAM_HEIGHT = 240; final int CAM_FPS = 30; // === Global variables ===// Capture cam; // The video capture device. PImage img; // Buffer image. int blink_state = 0; // === GO! === // void setup() { frameRate(CANVAS_FPS); size(REDUCED_WIDTH*OUTPUT_SCALE, REDUCED_HEIGHT*OUTPUT_SCALE); ellipseMode(CORNER); if (Capture.list().length == 0) { println("There are no cameras available for capture."); exit(); } // Instantiate a buffer image used for subsampling, etc. img = createImage(REDUCED_WIDTH, REDUCED_HEIGHT, RGB); // Instantiate a new Capture object, requesting the specs: cam = new Capture(this, CAM_WIDTH, CAM_HEIGHT, CAM_FPS); cam.start(); // In Processing 2.0, you need to start the capture device } void draw() { int brightestCol = 0; int brightestRow = 0; float bightestIntensity = 0.0; // Grab a frame if (cam.available() == true) {; } // We are using a buffer img because // cam.resize(REDUCED_WIDTH, REDUCED_HEIGHT); // doesn't work :-( img.copy(cam, 0, 0, CAM_WIDTH, CAM_HEIGHT, 0, 0, REDUCED_WIDTH, REDUCED_HEIGHT); img.loadPixels(); // For each column in img: for (int col = 0; col < REDUCED_WIDTH; col++) { // For each row in img: for (int row = 0; row < REDUCED_HEIGHT; row++) { // Draw the pixel intensity. float pixelIntensity = brightness(img.pixels[col + row*img.width]); fill(pixelIntensity); stroke(pixelIntensity); rect(col*OUTPUT_SCALE, row*OUTPUT_SCALE, OUTPUT_SCALE, OUTPUT_SCALE); // Determine whether this is the brightest pixel in this frame. if (pixelIntensity > bightestIntensity) { bightestIntensity = pixelIntensity; brightestCol = col; brightestRow = row; } } } // Highlight brightest pixel. fill(#000000, 0); stroke(#ff0000); strokeWeight(2); ellipse(brightestCol*OUTPUT_SCALE, brightestRow*OUTPUT_SCALE, OUTPUT_SCALE, OUTPUT_SCALE); // Frame timer fill(#000099, 100); stroke(#0000ff, 100); strokeWeight(1); blink_state = ++blink_state % CANVAS_FPS; rect(0, 0, blink_state*OUTPUT_SCALE, OUTPUT_SCALE); }