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cplusplus:installing_codeblocks [2016/01/09 04:37] mithatcplusplus:installing_codeblocks [2016/01/10 01:42] (current) mithat
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 === MacOS === === MacOS ===
-There is a version of [[|Code::Blocks for MacOS]], but it is claimed to be buggy. In addition, I have no idea if it supports C++11 (the version of C++ used in this course). You might be better off with [[|Xcode]], but I don't know what is involved in making that C++11 compliant. In short, if you want to use a Mac for this course, you're mostly on your own.+There is a version of [[|Code::Blocks for MacOS]], but it is claimed to be buggy. In addition, I don't know if it supports C++11 (the version of C++ used in this course). You might be better off with [[|Eclipse CDT]] or [[|Xcode]], but I don't know what is involved in making either C++11 compliant.
 ===== Installing on Windows ===== ===== Installing on Windows =====
Line 40: Line 40:
 In the unlikely event that you have a previous Code::Blocks installation (or you have installed the MinGW compiler for other purposes), you will have to completely uninstall the previous Code::Blocks version, delete ''C:\Program Files\MinGW'', and remove ''C:\MinGW\bin'' and ''C:\MinGW\MSYS\1.0\bin'' from your ''PATH'' before installation. In the unlikely event that you have a previous Code::Blocks installation (or you have installed the MinGW compiler for other purposes), you will have to completely uninstall the previous Code::Blocks version, delete ''C:\Program Files\MinGW'', and remove ''C:\MinGW\bin'' and ''C:\MinGW\MSYS\1.0\bin'' from your ''PATH'' before installation.
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 ===== After installing ===== ===== After installing =====
-**Set the compiler to use C++11 standards.**+==== Set the default compiler ==== 
 +You may have more than one compiler installed on your computer. To keep you from having to manually set the proper compiler each time you start a new project, verify that the desired compiler is set as the default by doing the following: 
 +  - Go to //Settings > Compiler...//\\ {{:cplusplus:compiler-settings-crop.png?direct&400|}} 
 +  - Make sure the //Compiler settings// tab is active. 
 +  - Select "GNU GCC Compiler" under //Selected compiler// if it is not already selected. 
 +  - If the //Set as default// button is active (i.e., not greyed out), click on it to make GNU GCC Compiler the default.  
 +  - On Windows, click on the "Toolchain executables" tab and confirm that //Compiler's installation directory// is set to either ''C:\Program Files\CodeBlocks\MinGW'' or ''C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeBlocks\MinGW''. On Linux, this field will probably be set to ''/usr'', meaning that it will use the system-provided GNU GCC tools. 
 +==== Set the compiler to use C++11 standards ====
 <WRAP center round important 99%> <WRAP center round important 99%>
cplusplus/installing_codeblocks.1452314225.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/01/09 04:37 by mithat

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