====== Configuring Netbeans for Arduino Development ====== My current favorite tool for developing non-trivial Arduino projects is [[https://netbeans.apache.org/|Netbeans]] with C++ support. Netbeans is a great candidate for Arduino programming because it allows you to define specific tool collections for projects and it uses standard Makefiles to manage the build. So all you really need to do once you have Netbeans working for writing C++ projects is add a tool collection for Arduino and create an appropriate Makefile. This documents my setup and has been vetted with NetBeans 8.2. ===== The tool collection ===== NetBeans will be happiest if you let it know where the build tools for your project live. Set up a new tool collection for Arduino along the lines of the figure below: {{:arduino:arduino-avr-tool-collection.png?direct&300|}} If you are using an Arduino that uses something other than an AVR microcontroller, the paths will need to be adjusted. ===== The Makefile and config ===== I use my own [[https://github.com/mithat/arduino-build | Arduino-Build]] to do the actual building. I used to use [[https://github.com/sudar/Arduino-Makefile|Arduino-Makefile]], so you may prefer this if it works for your project. I won't cover either of those in any depth here as they are each their own thing. However, you can use the following as a cheatsheet for setting things up. ==== Arduino-Build ==== If you're using Arduino-Build, then your project's Makefile should resemble the following: # Point BB at the arduino-build script BB=/your/path/to/arduino-build # You shouldn't have to change any of these. .PHONY : compile clean upload monitor upmon build: $(BB) build clean: $(BB) clean upload: $(BB) upload monitor: $(BB) monitor upmon: upload monitor You will also need an ''arduino.conf'' file in the root of your project that's similar to: # === Arduino path === ARDUINO_PATH=/home/mithat/opt/arduino # === Board parameters === BOARD_PACKAGE=arduino BOARD_ARCHITECTURE=avr BOARD=nano BOARD_PARAM="cpu=atmega328old" # === Communication settings === PORT=/dev/ttyUSB0 SPEED=9600 Consult the Arduino-Build readme for information on figuring out the board parameters and other fiddly bits. ==== Arduino-Makefile ==== When creating a new project with Arduino-Makefile, your local project Makefile should look something like the following: # Project config ARDUINO_LIBS = SoftwareWire AsyncTimer BOARD_TAG = pro BOARD_SUB = 16MHzatmega328 MONITOR_PORT = /dev/ttyUSB0 MONITOR_CMD = screen-wrap # "Platform" config ARDUINO_QUIET = true ARDUINO_SKETCHBOOK = $(HOME)/Arduino ARDUINO_DIR = $(HOME)/opt/arduino ARDMK_DIR = $(HOME)/Build/Arduino-Makefile # Include parent Makefile from include $(HOME)/Build/Arduino-Makefile/Arduino.mk ===== Code completion ===== While your setup should be working now, NetBeans will be shouting at you a lot about things not being defined, etc. That's because you need to add [[arduino:code_completion|code completion directories]] to the tool collection. Do this on the //Code Completion > C++// tab of the tool collection dialog.