Forms and Controls

Mithat Konar (ed.)


Forms and Controls

Forms and Controls

Choosing Controls

Choosing Controls



One of Two


  • Pros
    • simple
    • low space consumption
  • Cons
    • can only express one choice, so its inverse remains implied and unstated
    • this can lead to confusion about what it means when it’s off

One of Two

Two radio buttons

  • Pros
    • both choices are stated and visible
  • Cons
    • higher space consumption

One of Two

Two-choice drop-down list

  • Pros
    • both choices are stated
    • low and predictable space consumption
    • easily expandable later to more than two choices
  • Cons
    • only one choice is visible at a time
    • requires some dexterity

One of Two

“Press-and-stick” toggle button

  • Pros
    • same as for checkbox
    • when iconic, very low space consumption
  • Cons
    • same as for checkbox
    • not as standard as a checkbox for text choices

One of N (N small)

N radio buttons

  • Pros
    • all choices are always visible
  • Cons
    • high space consumption

One of N (N small)

N-item drop-down list

  • Pros
    • low space consumption
  • Cons
    • only one choice is visible at a time (except when the menu is open)
    • requires some dexterity

One of N (N small)

N-item set of mutually exclusive toggle buttons

  • Pros
    • low space consumption
    • all choices are visible
  • Cons
    • icons might be hard to understand
    • user might not know they’re mutually exclusive

One of N (N small)

Single-selection list or table

  • Pros
    • many choices are visible
    • can be kept as small as three items
  • Cons
    • higher space consumption than drop-down list or spinner

One of N (N small)


  • Pros
    • low space consumption
  • Cons
    • only one choice is ever visible at a time
    • requires a lot of dexterity
    • unfamiliar to naive computer users
    • drop-down list is usually a better choice

One of N (N large)

N-item drop-down list (scrolled if necessary)

  • Pros
    • low space consumption
  • Cons
    • only one choice is visible at a time (when menu is closed)
    • requires a lot of dexterity to scroll through items

One of N (N large)

Single-selection list or table

  • Pros
    • many choices are visible
    • can be kept small if needed
  • Cons
    • higher space consumption than drop-down list

One of N (N large)

Single-selection tree (w/categories)

  • Pros: many choices are visible; organization can help findability
  • Cons: may be unfamiliar to naive computer users; high space consumption; requires high dexterity

One of N (N large)

Custom browser

  • Pros: suited for browsing available choices
  • Cons: may be unfamiliar to some users; difficult to design; usually a separate window so it’s less immediate than controls placed directly on the page

Many of N

Array of N checkboxes

  • Pros
    • all choices are stated and visible
  • Cons
    • high space consumption

Many of N

Array of N toggle buttons

  • Pros
    • low space consumption
    • all choices are visible
  • Cons
    • icons might be cryptic
    • might look mutually exclusive

Many of N

Multiple-selection list or table

  • Pros
    • many choices are visible
    • can be kept small if needed
  • Cons
    • not all choices are visible without scrolling
    • high (but bounded) space consumption
    • user might not realize it’s multiple-selection

Many of N

List with checkbox items

  • Pros: many choices are visible; can be kept small if needed; affordance for selection is obvious
  • Cons: not all choices are visible without scrolling; high (but bounded) space consumption

Many of N

Multiple-selection tree (w/categories)

  • Pros: many choices are visible; organization helps findability in some cases
  • Cons: may be unfamiliar to naive computer users; requires high dexterity; looks the same as single-selection tree

Many of N

Custom browser (such as for files, colors, or fonts)

  • Pros: suited for browsing available choices
  • Cons: may be unfamiliar to some users; difficult to design; usually a separate window so it’s less immediate than controls placed directly on the page

Many of N

List Builder pattern

  • Pros: selected set is easy to view; selection can be an ordered list if desired; easily handles a large source list
  • Cons: very high space consumption due to two lists; does not easily handle a large set of selected objects

Unordered list of user items

List or table with Add or New button

  • Pros
    • “add” action is visible and obvious
  • Cons
    • higher space consumption
    • visual clutter

Unordered list of user items

List or table with New-Item Row pattern

  • Pros
    • lower space consumption
    • editing is done in place
  • Cons
    • “add” action is not quite as obvious as a button

Unordered list of user items

List or table receiving dragged-and-dropped items

  • Pros
    • visually elegant and space-saving
    • drag-and-drop is efficient and intuitive
  • Cons
    • “add” action is not visible, so users may not know the list is a drop target

Ordered list of items

Unordered list with “up” and “down” affordances

  • Pros
    • rearrangement actions are visible
  • Cons
    • higher space consumption

Ordered list of items

Unordered list offering internal drag-and-drop

  • Pros
    • visually elegant and space-saving
    • drag-and-drop is efficient and intuitive
  • Cons
    • rearrangement actions are not visible (so users may not know they’re available)



Single-line Text

Single-line text field

For entering one line of text

Single-line Text

Combo box

For entering either one line of text or a one-of-N choice

  • Pros: quicker to use than a separate dialog box; familiar
  • Cons: limited number of items can reasonably fit in drop down

Single-line Text

Text field with More button or Dropdown Chooser

For entering either one line of text or a one-of-N choice

  • Pros: permits the launch of a specialized chooser dialog box, e.g., a file finder or drop down
  • Cons: not as familiar as a combo box to some users; dialogs are not as immediate

Multiline Text

Text area

For entering multiple lines of unformatted text

Multiline Text

Text area with inline tags

For entering multiple lines of formatted text

  • Pros: skilled users can avoid the toolbar by typing tags directly
  • Cons: not truly WYSIWYG

Multiline Text

Rich-text editor

For entering multiple lines of formatted text

  • Pros: immediacy, since the edited text serves as a preview
  • Cons: use of toolbar is required, so it cannot always be keyboard only



Arbitrary type/format

Text field using Forgiving Format

  • Pros: visually elegant; permits wide variety of formats or data types
  • Cons: expected format is not evident from the control’s form, so it may cause temporary confusion; requires careful backend validation

Arbitrary type/format

Text field using Structured Format

  • Pros: desired format evident from control’s form
  • Cons: possibly higher space consumption; more visual complexity; does not permit any deviation from the specified format, even if user needs to do so; may be more difficult for assistive technologies than a single field

Arbitrary type/format

Spin box (best for integers or discrete steps)

  • Pros: user can arrive at a value via mouse clicks, without touching the keyboard; can also type directly if desired
  • Cons: not familiar to all users; you may need to hold down the button long enough to reach the desired value; requires dexterity to use tiny buttons

Bounded ranges


  • Pros: obvious metaphor; position of value in range is shown visually; the user cannot enter a number outside the range
  • Cons: high space consumption; unobvious keyboard access; tick labels can make it very crowded

Bounded ranges


  • Pros: values are constrained to be in range when buttons are used; low space consumption; supports both keyboard-only and mouse-only access
  • Cons: not familiar to all users; requires dexterity to use tiny buttons; needs validation; cannot visually see value within range

Bounded ranges

Text field with error checking (can have Input Hints, Input Prompt, etc.)

  • Pros: familiar to everyone; low space consumption; keyboard access
  • Cons: requires validation; no constraints on what can be entered, so you have to communicate the range by some other means

Bounded ranges

Slider with text field (can take the form of a Dropdown Chooser with a slider on the drop down)

  • Pros: allows both visual and numeric forms of input
  • Cons: complex; high space consumption when both elements are on the page; requires validation of text field when the user types the value


Double slider (can be used with two text fields)

  • Pros: lower space consumption than two sliders
  • Cons: unfamiliar to most users; no keyboard access unless you also use text fields


Two sliders (also can be used with text fields)

  • Pros: less intimidating than a double slider
  • Cons: high space consumption; no keyboard access unless text fields are used, too


Two spinners (can be linked via Fill-in-the-Blanks)

  • Pros: values are constrained to be in range when buttons are used; low space consumption; supports both keyboard-only and mouse-only access
  • Cons: not familiar to all users; requires dexterity to use tiny buttons; needs validation; cannot visually see value within range


Two text fields with error checking (can use Input Hints, Input Prompt, or Fill-in-the-Blanks)

  • Pros: familiar to everyone; much lower space consumption than sliders
  • Cons: requires validation; no constraints on what can be entered, so you need to communicate the range by some other means

Date and Time

Text field with Forgiving Format

  • Pros: visually simple; permits wide variety of formats or data types; keyboard access
  • Cons: expected format not evident from control’s form, so it may cause brief confusion; requires careful backend validation

Date and Time

Text fields with Structured Format

  • Pros: desired format evident from control’s form
  • Cons: possibly higher space consumption; more visual clutter; does not permit deviation from specified format, even if user wants to do so; may be more difficult for screen readers than a single field

Date and Time

Calendar or clock control

  • Pros: obvious metaphor; input is constrained to allowable values
  • Cons: high space consumption; may not provide keyboard-only access

Date and Time

Dropdown Chooser with calendar or clock control

  • Pros: combines the advantages of text field and calendar control; low space consumption
  • Cons: complex interaction; requires dexterity to pick values from a drop down

Form and Control Patterns

Forgiving Format

Permit users to enter text in a variety of formats and syntax, and make the application interpret it intelligently.

Structured Format

Instead of using one text field, use a set of text fields that reflect the structure of the requested data.


Arrange one or more fields in the form of a sentence or phrase, with the fields as “blanks” to be filled in by the user.

Input Hints

Place a phrase or example that explains what is required beside or below an empty text field.

Input Prompt

Prefill a text field or drop down with a prompt that tells the user what to do or type.

Password Strength Meter

Give the user immediate feedback on the validity and strength of a new password while it is being typed.


Anticipate the possible answers as user types, show a selectable list of them; automatically complete the entry when appropriate.


Dropdown Chooser

Extend the concept of a menu by using a drop-down or pop-up panel to contain a more complex value-selection UI.

List Builder

Show both the “source” and the “destination” lists on the same page; let the user move items between them, via buttons …

List Builder

… or drag-and-drop.

Good Defaults

Wherever appropriate, prefill form fields with your best guesses at the values the user wants.

Same-Page Error Message

Place form error messages directly on the page with the form itself; mark the top of the page with an error message and/or put indicators next to the originating controls.

Same-Page Error Message

Additional images